Thursday, April 14, 2011

Jotta - Tooth hangover

Heres whats up:
- Jotta Rides Bmx
-Jotta Hangovers on a Bmx like a MOTHAFOCKA#*
- Jotta was scared of them hangovers on a fixed and i forced him too learn those
- Jotta loves Life NOW

Ricardo Lino AKA jotta MANAGER

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Peg Grab

Another photo at westjam warmup sessions from westjam freestyle contest organizer Ricardo Lino

Photo by: Diogo Maymone

Lino - Crank Slide

hell yeah...seems like someone just learned flat rail crankslides.
now bring them up to the downstair rails

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Because I GRIND!!!

Jotta Love Grinding and we all love to do it WELL! all of this clips except the last one were filmed in Paris during our recent trip.

Friday, April 8, 2011


During Westjam Warmup sessions Jotta was killing it with footjam tailwhips and fakie footjam whips.dont really remember if this is a fakie one..

Photo credits by: Diogo Maymone -

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Our Boy Greag Falski just came out with the second number of STOKE ON FIXED mag.

Lots of jotta and Lino pictures in it.

Such a sick work from such a sick photographer!!!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Welcome Roger!

roger is a bmx working with us voluntary on Westjam, 
Since Wonka won and gave his frame to jotta, jotta gave his frame to Roger, and this is how ROGER GOT INTO FIXEDGEAR FREESTYLE